Living Tao

What is "The Tao"?
The Tao can be translated as “the Way” or “the Truth,” and though some may think the meaning is solely spiritual, within it lies very practical ways by which to live this physical life with integrity.
Learn about your life and the experiences that we have as humans in a totally new and refreshing way: through the lens of Tao Principles which will help set a clearer direction for you to honor who you truly are. Within human existence there are basic truths which never change. By getting to know about yourself more deeply from that perspective of the Tao, you can bring forth your inner wisdom and prioritize taking actions for your life purpose.
There are ancient answers to the modern questions we may ask ourselves increasingly as the world changes around us. Great relief can be found when clarity emerges through a dense fog of information that often distracts us from that which we really seek.

What To Expect

Universal Principles
Tao principles of health and healing for a lifestyle of true wellness
Group Coaching
Heighten your self-awareness, challenge yourself, and choose to grow
Community Based Classes
Plugging into a vibrant community of like-minded healers and seekers
6 Class Courses (Onsite)
3 Parts [1-2-3]. 6 classes each. Start with any session regardless of order.

What You'll Get
